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Richmond Therapeutic Riding Association
Christmas 50/50 Raffle 2024

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Christmas 50/50 Raffle 2024

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The Richmond Therapeutic Riding Association provides quality therapeutic horseback riding lessons for children and youth with disabilities in order to promote physical, social and psychological well-being.   The program has been operating in Richmond for over 25 years.  RTRA is a registered charity and relies on donations and community support.

There are many benefits to therapeutic riding.  Physical benefits include increased muscle tone, balance, and coordination.  Many of our riders become more confident because they have an increased sense of independence through riding.  They also improve their social skills through interacting with other riders, volunteers and their instructors.  Many riders are referred specifically to therapeutic riding as riding a horse provides physical therapy that is not possible to create in a different environment.  The motion of the horse can provide sensory stimulus that mimic those of natural human activities, such as walking.  Many of our families report seeing positive changes in their children after just a few lessons.  RTRA is a place for children with various different disabilities to come for a fun and safe alternative to regular forms of therapy.

Important dates

Deadline: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
Draw date: Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

Ticket packs

50/50 tickets are:
Single Ticket for $10,
3-Ticket Pack for $25,
8-Ticket Pack for $50.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How many tickets are available for sale?
    There are 2,399 tickets available for sale.
  2. How much do tickets cost?
    Single Ticket for $10, 3-Ticket Pack for $25, 8-Ticket Pack for $50,
  3. Can I request a specific ticket number?
    No. Ticket numbers are computer-generated in ascending order starting at a pre-determined number.
  4. When are the deadlines for ticket sales?
    Final Sales Deadline: Wednesday, December 18, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
  5. What are the odds of winning?
    Chances are 1 in 2,399 (total tickets for sale) to win a prize. Actual odds depend on number of tickets sold.

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Actual odds depend on # of tickets sold.
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